
Trademark Class 36

Trademark Class 36

Trademark Class 36 comprises financial and insurance services. This class 36 of service-marks contains the service marks which are utilized in the fields of the financial and insurance services, delivered at the international and the domestic level in whole India.

The goods and services are categorized by IPindia.gov.in in accordance with the specific categories (also known as Classes).  The Trademarks are required to be applied or registered under such particular class or classes as might be applicable. In this article, we will cover the goods which come under Class 36 of trademark classification.

Class 36 - Insurance, Financial

The Class 36 comprises mostly services rendered in financial and monetary affairs and services provided with regard to insurance contracts of all kinds.

It helps in the working or management of a commercial undertaking, or helps in the administration of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise, in addition to services rendered by means of advertising establishments mainly undertaking communications towards the public, declarations or announcements by all means of diffusion as well as concerning every kinds of Services or services.

The Services that are classified under Class 36 include;

The services regarding financial or monetary affairs comprise the following: 

•    services of all the banking establishments, or institutions associated with them, for instance, exchange brokers or clearing services; 

•    services of credit institutions excluding banks such as co-operative credit associations, individual financial corporations, lenders, etc.; 

•    services of “investment trusts,” of holding companies;

•    services of brokers dealing in shares as well as property; 

•    services connected with financial affairs vouched for by trustees; 

•    services rendered relating to the issue of travellers’ cheques and letters of credit;

•    services of realty administrators of buildings, that is, services of letting or valuation, or financing;

•    services dealing with insurance for instance services rendered through agents or brokers engaged in insurance, services rendered towards insured, and insurance underwriting services.


•    Accident insurance underwriting

•    Accommodation bureaux "apartments"

•    Actuarial services

•    Antique appraisal

•    Apartment house management

•    Rental of Apartments

•    Art appraisal

•    Banking

•    Brokerage

•    Brokerage of carbon credits

•    Business liquidation services, financial

•    Capital investment

•    Charitable fundraising

•    Check "cheque" verification

•    Clearing, financial / clearing-houses, financial

•    Credit bureaux

•    Credit card services

•    Issuance of Credit cards

•    Customs brokerage

•    Debit card services

•    Debt collection agencies

•    Debt advisory services

•    Deposits of valuables

•    Health insurance underwriting

•    Hire-purchase financing / lease-purchase funding

•    Electronic funds transfer

•    Exchanging money

•    Factoring

•    Arranging Finance for construction projects

•    Financial evaluation "insurance, banking, real estate"

•    Financial management

•    Financial analysis

•    Financial consultancy

•    Financial information

•    Financial sponsorship

•    Fiscal evaluation of standing timber or Fiscal valuation of standing timber

•    Fiscal evaluation of wool or  Fiscal valuation of wool

•    Providing financial information via a web site

•    Financial management of reimbursement payments for others

•    Financing services

•    Fire insurance underwriting

•    Fiscal assessments / fiscal valuations

•    Instalment loans

•    Insurance brokerage

•    Insurance underwriting

•    Insurance consultancy

•    Insurance information

•    Investment of funds

•    Jewellery "jewellery (Am.)" appraisal ; or Jewellery appraisal; or jewellery appraisal

•    Leasing of real estate

•    Leasing of farms

•    Lending against security

•    Life insurance underwriting

•    Loans "financing"

•    Marine insurance underwriting

•    Mortgage banking

•    Mutual funds

•    Numismatic appraisal

•    Rental of Offices "real estate"

•    Online banking

•    Organization of collections

•    issuance of Tokens of value

•    issuance of Travelers’ cheques/issuance of travellers’ checks

•    Trusteeship/fiduciary

•    Real estate agencies

•    Real estate brokerage

•    Real estate appraisal

•    Real estate management

•    Rent collection

•    Repair costs evaluation "financial appraisal"

•    Retirement payment services

•    Safe-deposit services

•    Savings bank services

•    Securities brokerage

•    Stamp appraisal

•    Stock exchange quotations

•    Stock brokerage services

•    Stocks and bonds brokerage

•    Surety services / bail-bonding / guarantees

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