
Importance of Trademark Registration

Importance of Trademark Registration

What is a Trademark?

A Trademark is a sign, symbol, word or words legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product.

Importance of trademark registration

Significance of Trademark Registration in India is represented by the Controller General of Patent Design and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademark in India is accomplished for word, name, logo, numerals, motto, and gadget. Trademark Registration gives an elite right to the proprietor. Trademark Registration recognizes the item from other comparable items from different organizations. Trademark demonstrates as impalpable resources for the proprietor and secures the brand for quite a while. Trademark gives a selective right to the proprietor to utilize such words, logos, and mottos. 

Trademark in India is enlisted under Trademark Act 1999. Trademark enlistment is separated into various classifications, which is controlled by the idea of the business and the movement they oversee. Altogether there are 45 classes for various items and administrations. The Authority monitors each trademark enrolled. A library is kept up for specific merchandise and enterprises. Therefore, it is significant while enrollment to specify the class of the item or administration to be enlisted. When the Trademark is enlisted it stays legitimate for a long time. Notwithstanding, it very well may be reestablished for the next 10 years if the application is made inside the stipulated time. 

What is the significance of Trademark Registration? 

1.    It gives legitimate security against the phony and false items 

2.    The client can undoubtedly recognize the item as a result of its name or logo 

3.    It makes an elusive resource for the proprietor, which has a capacity to be moved, sold or diversified. 

4.    Trademark makes trust and altruism in the psyches of the client as a result of which numerous clients are faithful to the item. 

5.    A trademark animates further purchase.

6.    A trademark serves as a badge of loyalty and affiliation.

The capacity of a trademark 

 Under present-day business condition a trademark performs four capacities: 

1.    It recognizes the good(s)/or service(s) and its inception. 

2.    It ensures its unaltered quality 

3.    It publicizes the products/service(s) 

4.    It makes a picture of the merchandise/service(s).

In Microsoft versus MikeRoweSoft case, It is a funny case-at the same time, it shows what a trademark can accomplish for you. The substance of that entire case would be that the product goliath Microsoft sued a twelfth-grade Canadian understudy as a result of his site named "mikerowesoft.com". As indicated by Microsoft, mike's site phonetically took after their image. At last, an end was come to by both the gatherings and the case settled down. However, Microsoft had the option to oversee that site with a little pay and halted that site and recovered their image's uniqueness.

What are the reports required for Trademark Registration? 

1.    Trademark or logo or numerals 

2.    Subtleties of the candidate including Name, Address, Type of Business, Business action and organization spot of consolidation. 

3.    The item or administration which should be enrolled 

4.    Date of first utilization of the trademark 

5.    The intensity of the Attorney to be marked by the Applicant 

What is the Procedure for Trademark Registration? 

1.    Trademark Search: The most significant advance in trademark enlistment is looking. Before making any application for trademark earlier research ought to be finished by the specialist or the candidate from the accessible database of government. 

2.    Trademark Application Filing: Once the trademark search is certain, you can continue with the application for enrollment through Agent/Attorney. The application ought to be recorded with due consideration and in the recommended, the charges for application documenting relies upon the class classification. In the event that the candidate wants to enroll the trademark in multiple classes, he/she have to pay expenses according to the class. 

3.    Trademark Application Allotment: An Application Allotment number is given by the Registrar once the application is recorded. The status of such a trademark application can be seen online through the hunting office. 

4.    Trademark Examination: The application is relegated to the official in the Trademark Registrar Office, who looks at the entire application and gives a trademark assessment report. The application can be acknowledged or might be sent to resubmission, for more explanation. In any case, if the candidate is disappointed with the choice of the Trademark authority, he can offer against the choice of Trademark official before the Intellectual Property Appellate Board. 

5.    Trademark Journal Publication: When the trademark is acknowledged by the enrolling authority, the anticipated trademark is imprinted in the Trademark Journal. This report is accessible on week after week premise and contains all the trademarks enrolled during that period. 

6.    Trademark Registration: When there is no resistance to the trademark application, the trademark original copy and trademark enlistment declaration will be arranged and sent to the trademark application. When the trademark giving power discharges the declaration, Trademark is viewed as enlisted. 


With the rising mindfulness about protected innovation number of trademark, enlistment is expanding in India. Encroaching the enlisted trademark can have a lot of legitimate results and risks. Encroachment may occur on the off chance that one gathering utilizes a trademark that is indistinguishable or excessively like a trademark which is as of now enlisted by another gathering, corresponding to an item or administration which are indistinguishable or like the item or administrations which the enrollment covers. Trademark encroachment is unapproved utilization of a trademark without information on the enrolled proprietor or any licensees. Subsequently, it is valuable to get the Importance of Trademark Registration before it is past the point of no return.

There is a punishment recommended under criminal laws for the encroachment of an exchange mark in India. The punishment is for selling or giving service(s) utilizing a bogus exchange mark is at least a half year and limit of three years and with a fine at least Rupees fifty thousand however which may reach out to Rupees two Lakhs.


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